Color Detection using Bioloid Premium Type-C Humanoid

Date: May, 2012 (4th Semester of M.Sc. Computer Science)
Location: Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi.
Team Size: 1
In this project the humanoid distinguishes between two different types of colors. The application developed enables the humanoid to successfully distinguish between red and blue colored balls by using its IR sensor. The humanoid in this application is a modified C-Type Humanoid built using Bioloid Premium Kit. Equipped with an elongated gripper assembly, the humanoid is able to hold objects (small red and blue colored balls in this case). A distance measurement sensor (DMS) is used to detect distances from obstacles. An IR sensor is used to detect the color of an object, and is placed inside the gripper assembly so that the color of the object that the humanoid is holding can be detected.

The humanoid detects the color of the ball in the following way:
1. If the DMS (placed on the chest) detects an object in the 5 to12 centimeter approximate range of the humanoid, then the humanoid brings its gripper forward to let the user put the object in the gripper. It then opens the gripper and waits for the object to be placed in the gripper.

2. The humanoid then closes its grip, and now has a firm grip on the ball.

3. The IR sensor now checks the value that is received from the ball. If the ball is of red color, humanoid emits a sound signal for 2 seconds. If the ball is blue in color, the humanoid emits the same sound signal for a duration of 5 seconds.


Portion of a report relating to Color Detection using Humanoid, video and RoboPlus Motion & Task Files relating to this project can be found here.